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Samsung Galaxy J5 - Full phone specifications

Samsung Galaxy j5-full phone specification:

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Full Phone Specification:

Made  Qualcomm's Snapdragon 410 chipset 
processor 1.2 GHz processor
CPU Adreno 306 GPU 
CAMERA Rear Camera:13 MP, f/1.9, 28mm, autofocus, LED flash Features:Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection
Video 1080p@30fps

Secondary 5 MP, f/2.2, 23mm, LED flash
Network GSM / HSPA / LTE
Launch Jul-15
Body  Dimensions: 142.1 x 71.8 x 7.9 mm (5.59 x 2.83 x 0.31 in)
weight: 146 g
Sim:Single SIM (Micro-SIM) or Dual SIM (Micro-SIM, dual stand-by)
Display 5.0"
Resolution:720 x 1280 pixels (~294 ppi pixel density)
Multy Touch Yes
Memory microSD: up to 128 GB (dedicated slot)
internal:8/16 GB, 1.5 GB RAM
Software Android OS, v5.1 (Lollipop)
Sound Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
Loud Speaker:Yes
3.5mm jack :Yes
Battery Stand by:Removable Li-Ion 2600 mAh battery
Talk time:Upto 18 h 3G
Music Play: Upto 62h
Communicate with another Network Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
Blutooth : v4.1, A2DP
GPS:Yes, with A-GPS, GLONASS/ BDS (market dependant)
NFC:Yes (market dependent)
RADIO:FM radio, RDS, recording
USB:microUSB v2.0

Colors white,black,red

Click here to buy Samsung J5


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