Q) What is a Java based (dynamic) website?
If a website is made dynamic (interactive) by using the following things, it is called as a Java based website.
1. Java as programming language(server side programming)
2. Servlets & JSP as web technologies
3. JDBC as data access technology
Q) What is not Servlets?
• Servlets is not a programming language, unlike Java.• Servlets is not a software to be installed on a computer system (to develop web applications).
Q) What is the purpose of Servlet technology?
Servlet technology is used in Java based web application development.OR
Servlet technology is used in the implementation of Java based web-enabled enterprise applications.
Servlet technology is used in Java-based dynamic website development.
Q) What is Web Container?
Web Container is server software with 3 modules.1. web server
2. Servlet Container (Engine)
3. JSP Container (Engine)
Example: Tomcat
Q) What is the need of web container for a Java web application?
• A web container is a component of Web server which interacts with the Servlets.• The web server cannot execute Servlets andJsp’s. Servlet Container executes Servlets and JSP container executes JSP’s
• A web container is responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets mapping an URL to a particular servlet and ensuring that the URL requester has the correct access rights.
• Every Java web application is an enterprise application.Therefore, we can say that Web Container is the J2EE platform for J2EE applications.
• Web Container itself is a standalone Java application which needs a J2SE platform for its running.
Q) What is a servlet?
A servlet is a web server side piece of Java code that enhances the functionality of the web server.
A servlet is a Servlet Container managed user-defined Java class that implements javax.servlet.servlet interface.
The servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of a server
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