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Wire less power grid controller

Wire less power Grid controller,photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic system, photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic, photovoltaics, photovoltaic effect, off grid power, power off the grid, off the power grid, off the grid power, power grid working, wind power off grid, off grid power solutions, off grid power generation, off grid wind power, off grid power sources, off the grid wind power, off grid power supply, off grid electricity, off the grid electricity, off grid electric, off grid electrical systems, off the grid electrical systems, electricity off the grid, living off the grid electricity, off the grid homes, getting off the grid, get off the grid, off grid homes, off grid wind turbine, on grid off grid, off grid solutions, off grid home, off grid generators, off grid supplies, off grid wiring diagram, off grid systems, off grid system, off the grid systems, off grid pv systems, off grid pv system, grid inverter, off grid inverter, grid tie inverter, on grid inverter, tie grid inverter, off grid inverters, inverter off grid, grid tie inverters, inverter grid tie, grid inverters, off grid power inverter, on grid inverters, grid power inverter, off grid living, live off the grid, living off the grid, off the grid living, living off grid, off grid living magazine, living off of the grid, 8 gauge wire, wire size, wire grid, awg wire, panel wiring, power wiring, size of wire, 3 gauge wire, how to wiring, wire rating, wire size amps, gauge wire size, home wire, amp wire size, grid wire, 8 ga wire, wire size gauge, wire a house, mc4 wire, size wire, wire amps, how wire a house, wire size guide, wind power controller, grid tie controller, battery controller, inverter controller, amp controller, power grid battery, off grid batteries, off grid battery, battery grid, off grid battery systems, diy off grid power, diy off grid, diy off the grid, off grid diy, off the grid diy, pv panels, pv cells, alternative energy sources, alternative energy, pv panel, sun power, solarpower, solarenergy, solarpanels, grid tie, solor power, soler power, solor panels, offgrid power, tie grid, mc 4 connector, offgrid inverter

Abstract:-This system is a wireless power grid controller for distributing  the mains voltage. This report details the circuit design, operation, major components information. This works on RF communication principle. Data is transmitted to the receiver through RF modules. In this design we have successfully implemented the RF communication, data encoding and decoding. A micro control receives the information from the data lines, process the same as per the requirement. All these details are presented in this report.
Introduction:-Electricity plays a crucial role in our standard of living. lots of stress is placed on power save because the demand is high and therefore the production is low for it.
We use electricity at our homes and offices for many functions as well as lighting, fans, and electrical appliances therefore on. 
The power is distributed at the grid consistent with the load demand.
We have designed and developed a system in order that the facility distribution will be done remotely. someone doesn’t have to be compelled to reach the physical location of the station, they'll accomplish the task remotely. 
The application for this kind of system is various and is restricted to solely one’s imagination.
Block Diagram:-
Wire less power Grid controller,photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic system, photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic, photovoltaics, photovoltaic effect, off grid power, power off the grid, off the power grid, off the grid power, power grid working, wind power off grid, off grid power solutions, off grid power generation, off grid wind power, off grid power sources, off the grid wind power, off grid power supply, off grid electricity, off the grid electricity, off grid electric, off grid electrical systems, off the grid electrical systems, electricity off the grid, living off the grid electricity, off the grid homes, getting off the grid, get off the grid, off grid homes, off grid wind turbine, on grid off grid, off grid solutions, off grid home, off grid generators, off grid supplies, off grid wiring diagram, off grid systems, off grid system, off the grid systems, off grid pv systems, off grid pv system, grid inverter, off grid inverter, grid tie inverter, on grid inverter, tie grid inverter, off grid inverters, inverter off grid, grid tie inverters, inverter grid tie, grid inverters, off grid power inverter, on grid inverters, grid power inverter, off grid living, live off the grid, living off the grid, off the grid living, living off grid, off grid living magazine, living off of the grid, 8 gauge wire, wire size, wire grid, awg wire, panel wiring, power wiring, size of wire, 3 gauge wire, how to wiring, wire rating, wire size amps, gauge wire size, home wire, amp wire size, grid wire, 8 ga wire, wire size gauge, wire a house, mc4 wire, size wire, wire amps, how wire a house, wire size guide, wind power controller, grid tie controller, battery controller, inverter controller, amp controller, power grid battery, off grid batteries, off grid battery, battery grid, off grid battery systems, diy off grid power, diy off grid, diy off the grid, off grid diy, off the grid diy, pv panels, pv cells, alternative energy sources, alternative energy, pv panel, sun power, solarpower, solarenergy, solarpanels, grid tie, solor power, soler power, solor panels, offgrid power, tie grid, mc 4 connector, offgrid inverter

Circuit Diagram

Wire less power Grid controller,photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic system, photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic, photovoltaics, photovoltaic effect, off grid power, power off the grid, off the power grid, off the grid power, power grid working, wind power off grid, off grid power solutions, off grid power generation, off grid wind power, off grid power sources, off the grid wind power, off grid power supply, off grid electricity, off the grid electricity, off grid electric, off grid electrical systems, off the grid electrical systems, electricity off the grid, living off the grid electricity, off the grid homes, getting off the grid, get off the grid, off grid homes, off grid wind turbine, on grid off grid, off grid solutions, off grid home, off grid generators, off grid supplies, off grid wiring diagram, off grid systems, off grid system, off the grid systems, off grid pv systems, off grid pv system, grid inverter, off grid inverter, grid tie inverter, on grid inverter, tie grid inverter, off grid inverters, inverter off grid, grid tie inverters, inverter grid tie, grid inverters, off grid power inverter, on grid inverters, grid power inverter, off grid living, live off the grid, living off the grid, off the grid living, living off grid, off grid living magazine, living off of the grid, 8 gauge wire, wire size, wire grid, awg wire, panel wiring, power wiring, size of wire, 3 gauge wire, how to wiring, wire rating, wire size amps, gauge wire size, home wire, amp wire size, grid wire, 8 ga wire, wire size gauge, wire a house, mc4 wire, size wire, wire amps, how wire a house, wire size guide, wind power controller, grid tie controller, battery controller, inverter controller, amp controller, power grid battery, off grid batteries, off grid battery, battery grid, off grid battery systems, diy off grid power, diy off grid, diy off the grid, off grid diy, off the grid diy, pv panels, pv cells, alternative energy sources, alternative energy, pv panel, sun power, solarpower, solarenergy, solarpanels, grid tie, solor power, soler power, solor panels, offgrid power, tie grid, mc 4 connector, offgrid inverter

                                                   Circuit description

REMOTE : It consists of a transmitter, an encoder and four buttons.

TRANSMITTER : It is an RF transmitter which works at 433MHz. It takes input from an encoder.

ENCODER : It has address lines and data lines.

RECEIVER : It consists of a 433 MHz RF receiver. It receives the data wirelessly from the transmitter. The received data are given to the decoder.

DECODER : It decodes the data. This decoded data are passed to the micro controller.

MICRO CONTROLLER : It takes action depending on which switch pressed. Accordingly it sends output signal to the  transistor.

TRANSISTOR : NPN type transistor is used. It takes input from the micro in the form of high or low, i.e. 5V or 0V.
§RELAY : It is ON when the transistor is ON and is OFF when the transistor is OFF. It is operated with 12V. 

                                    Major compnents information:

AVR micro controller:}AVR has got advanced features combined with rich instructions and architecture.
}Some of the major micros are as follows :
AVR AT Mega microcontroller Series 
8051 Series
PIC microcontroller Series
ARM Series

The encoder is used to convert parallel data to serial data.

HT12E encoder is used in the design.


Operating voltage 2.4V-12V

Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology

Low standby current: 0.1_A (typ) at Vdd=5V

Minimum transmission word (four words)

Built in oscillator needs only 5% resistor

Data code has positive polarity

Minimal external components

18 pin DIP,20 pin SOP package

RF 434 MHz transmitter is used in the design to transmit the data wirelessly. This is an ASK transmitter module i.e., the modulation technique used is ASK modulation with an output of up to 8mw, depending on the power supply voltage.

§434  MHz Transmitter Operation
§500 Ft. Range - Dependent on Transmitter Power Supply
§2400 or 4800bps transfer rate
§Low cost and Extremely small and lightweight
RF 434 MHz receiver  is used in the design similar to the RF transmitter.
It receives the data from an RF transmitter by using wireless communication.
It has 8 pins and the features are similar to the RF transmitter.
The output data of this receiver is connected to decode.
HT12D decoder is used in the design which has 8 address lines and 4 data lines same as encoder . This is used to convert serial data received from the receiver to parallel data.
Operating voltage 2.4V to 12 V
Low standby current
Cable of decoding 12 bits of information
Binary address setting
Received codes are checked 3 times
Built in oscillator needs only 5% resistor
Easy interface with RF or infrared transmission medium
18 pin DIP, 20 pin SOP package. 

The relay is an automatic control element whose output variable undergoes a change by leaps and bounds when its input variable (electric, magnetic, sound, light) reaches a set point.

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that emits incoherent narrow spectrum light when electrically biased in the forward direction of the PN-junction, as in the common LED circuit. This effect is a form of electroluminescence.
While sending a message in the form of bits such as 1, the data is sent to the receiver side correspondingly the LED glows representing the data are being received simultaneously when we send 8 as a data the LED gets off .


We have carried on an investigation before we started the project to fnd out about various components.

We have used RF transmitter, receiver in our project.

A well regulated power supply was designed.

This power suppy produces 5V with 1 A current.

The operation of the mains switch is achieved with a remote.
A micro controller , AVR ATMega 8 was used in the system.

This micro is the latest and has advanced features.

We have gained the design techniques

Finally, we thank the college and the university for providing us an excellent opportunity to transfrom our theoretical knowledge in to practical application

We have gained the confidence to handle similar projects in the future.



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